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Sunday, December 28, 2008


We got a Wii this year and it is a great family toy. It teaches you so many things, like how out of shape you are, and how much the little athleticism you once possessed does not count on the video screen. But, the biggest lesson comes when your 5 year old little girl kicks your butt bowling. Not just a few points, but 40 points. This was a hard lesson for me to learn and I was embarrassed and humbled by it. This all happened the night after Christmas, so yesterday I woke up at my usual 4am and instead of being productive, I went and worked out, not at a gym, but in front of the TV, I practiced my bowling, the Wii Sports includes a skills training section, I hunkered down and focused all my energy on the fundamentals of Wii Bowling. And as each of my great family woke and joined me, I handily took back my pride.


Becky said...

Rock on Tom! We too got the Wii...I humbly bowed out...

Unknown said...

nice. humbled by the babe. I have yet to try that thing, but I guess you really can get some physical benefit from using it...